'전체 글'에 해당되는 글 1034건

  1. 2023.04.05 [Python] PyTorch 설치
  2. 2023.03.17 [ChatGPT에게 묻다] python으로 Simple Stack VM 만들기 (3)
Coding/Python 삽질기2023. 4. 5. 01:25

1. 아래 사이트에서  설치해야 하는 PyTorch 버전 체크




An open source machine learning framework that accelerates the path from research prototyping to production deployment.


2. Command를 복사하여 실행한다.

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu117

3.  Python을 실행하여 확인 한다.


Posted by chobocho
Coding/Python 삽질기2023. 3. 17. 01:20

2부에 이어서, 3부를 시작 합니다.


8. 이제 생성된 코드를 리팩토링 해달라고 부탁 합니다.

from enum import Enum

class Command(Enum):
    PUSH = 'PUSH'
    POP = 'POP'
    ADD = 'ADD'
    SUB = 'SUB'
    MUL = 'MUL'
    DIV = 'DIV'
    MOD = 'MOD'
    DUP = 'DUP'
    SWAP = 'SWAP'
    JMP = 'JMP'
    JG = 'JG'
    JL = 'JL'
    JZ = 'JZ'
    JNZ = 'JNZ'
    CMP = 'CMP'
    MOV = 'MOV'
    NOP = 'NOP'
    HALT = 'HALT'

class StackMachine:
    PUSH <value>: Push a value onto the stack. e.g., PUSH 10
    POP: Remove and return the top value from the stack.
    ADD: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their sum, and push the result onto the stack.
    SUB: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their difference, and push the result onto the stack.
    MUL: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their product, and push the result onto the stack.
    DIV: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their division, and push the result onto the stack.
    MOD: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their remainder, and push the result onto the stack.
    DUP: Copy the top value from the stack and push it onto the stack.
    SWAP: Swap the top two values on the stack.
    JMP <label>: Move program execution to the given label. e.g., JMP LOOP
    JG <label>: If the top value on the stack is greater than 0, move program execution to the given label.
    JL <label>: If the top value on the stack is less than 0, move program execution to the given label.
    JZ <label>: If the top value on the stack is 0, move program execution to the given label.
    JNZ <label>: If the top value on the stack is not 0, move program execution to the given label.
    CMP: Compare the top two values on the stack and push the result onto the stack.
    (-1: First value is smaller, 0: Both values are equal, 1: First value is larger)
    MOV <register>: Move the top value from the stack to the specified register (AX, BX, CX, or DX).
    NOP: Perform no operation. This command is ignored in the program.
    HALT: Stop program execution.

    def __init__(self):
        self.stack = []
        self.program = []
        self.labels = {}
        self.registers = {'AX': 0, 'BX': 0, 'CX': 0, 'DX': 0}
        self.instruction_pointer = 0

    def load_program(self, program):
        self.program = program
        self.labels = {line[:-1]: i for i, line in enumerate(program) if line.endswith(':')}

    def parse_command(self, command_string):
        command, *args = command_string.split()
        if command not in Command.__members__:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid command: {command}")
        return Command[command], args

    def execute_command(self, command, args):
        if command == Command.PUSH:
            value = int(args[0]) if 'X' not in args[0] else self.registers[args[0]]
        elif command == Command.POP:
        elif command == Command.ADD:
            self.stack.append(self.stack.pop() + self.stack.pop())
        elif command == Command.SUB:
            b, a = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
            self.stack.append(a - b)
        elif command == Command.MUL:
            self.stack.append(self.stack.pop() * self.stack.pop())
        elif command == Command.DIV:
            b, a = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
            self.stack.append(a // b)
        elif command == Command.MOD:
            b, a = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
            self.stack.append(a % b)
        elif command == Command.DUP:
        elif command == Command.SWAP:
            self.stack[-1], self.stack[-2] = self.stack[-2], self.stack[-1]
        elif command == Command.JMP:
            self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]
        elif command == Command.JG:
            if self.stack.pop() == 1:
                self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]
        elif command == Command.JL:
            if self.stack.pop() == -1:
                self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]
        elif command == Command.JZ:
            if self.stack.pop() == 0:
                self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]
        elif command == Command.JNZ:
            if self.stack.pop() != 0:
                self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]
        elif command == Command.CMP:
            b, a = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
            self.stack.append((a > b) - (a < b))
        elif command == Command.MOV:
            self.registers[args[0]] = self.stack[-1]
        elif command == Command.NOP:
        elif command == Command.HALT:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown command: {command}")

        self.instruction_pointer += 1

    def run(self):
        for _ in range(20000):
            if self.instruction_pointer >= len(self.program):
            command_string = self.program[self.instruction_pointer]
            command, args = self.parse_command(command_string)
            self.execute_command(command, args)

생성된 코드를 돌려보면, 역시 안됩니다. 

디버깅 하면, Label 처리가 안되었을 알 수 있습니다. 


9. Label 처리를  위한 코드를 손으로 추가 하여 수정 합니다.

from enum import Enum

class Command(Enum):
    PUSH = 'PUSH'
    POP = 'POP'
    ADD = 'ADD'
    SUB = 'SUB'
    MUL = 'MUL'
    DIV = 'DIV'
    MOD = 'MOD'
    DUP = 'DUP'
    SWAP = 'SWAP'
    JMP = 'JMP'
    JG = 'JG'
    JL = 'JL'
    JZ = 'JZ'
    JNZ = 'JNZ'
    CMP = 'CMP'
    MOV = 'MOV'
    NOP = 'NOP'
    HALT = 'HALT'

class StackMachine:
    PUSH <value>: Push a value onto the stack. e.g., PUSH 10
    POP: Remove and return the top value from the stack.
    ADD: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their sum, and push the result onto the stack.
    SUB: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their difference, and push the result onto the stack.
    MUL: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their product, and push the result onto the stack.
    DIV: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their division, and push the result onto the stack.
    MOD: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their remainder, and push the result onto the stack.
    DUP: Copy the top value from the stack and push it onto the stack.
    SWAP: Swap the top two values on the stack.
    JMP <label>: Move program execution to the given label. e.g., JMP LOOP
    JG <label>: If the top value on the stack is greater than 0, move program execution to the given label.
    JL <label>: If the top value on the stack is less than 0, move program execution to the given label.
    JZ <label>: If the top value on the stack is 0, move program execution to the given label.
    JNZ <label>: If the top value on the stack is not 0, move program execution to the given label.
    CMP: Compare the top two values on the stack and push the result onto the stack.
    (-1: First value is smaller, 0: Both values are equal, 1: First value is larger)
    MOV <register>: Move the top value from the stack to the specified register (AX, BX, CX, or DX).
    NOP: Perform no operation. This command is ignored in the program.
    HALT: Stop program execution.

    def __init__(self):
        self.stack = []
        self.program = []
        self.labels = {}
        self.registers = {'AX': 0, 'BX': 0, 'CX': 0, 'DX': 0}
        self.instruction_pointer = 0

    def load_program(self, program):
        self.program = program
        self.labels = {line[:-1]: i for i, line in enumerate(program) if line.endswith(':')}

    def parse_command(self, command_string):
        command, *args = command_string.split()
        if command not in Command.__members__:
            if ':' in command:
                return Command['LABEL'], args
                raise ValueError(f"Unknown command: {command}")
        return Command[command], args

    def execute_command(self, command, args):
        if command == Command.PUSH:
            value = int(args[0]) if 'X' not in args[0] else self.registers[args[0]]
        elif command == Command.POP:
        elif command == Command.ADD:
            self.stack.append(self.stack.pop() + self.stack.pop())
        elif command == Command.SUB:
            b, a = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
            self.stack.append(a - b)
        elif command == Command.MUL:
            self.stack.append(self.stack.pop() * self.stack.pop())
        elif command == Command.DIV:
            b, a = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
            self.stack.append(a // b)
        elif command == Command.MOD:
            b, a = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
            self.stack.append(a % b)
        elif command == Command.DUP:
        elif command == Command.SWAP:
            self.stack[-1], self.stack[-2] = self.stack[-2], self.stack[-1]
        elif command == Command.JMP:
            self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]
        elif command == Command.JG:
            if self.stack.pop() == 1:
                self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]
        elif command == Command.JL:
            if self.stack.pop() == -1:
                self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]
        elif command == Command.JZ:
            if self.stack.pop() == 0:
                self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]
        elif command == Command.JNZ:
            if self.stack.pop() != 0:
                self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]
        elif command == Command.CMP:
            b, a = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
            self.stack.append((a > b) - (a < b))
        elif command == Command.MOV:
            self.registers[args[0]] = self.stack[-1]
        elif command == Command.NOP:
        elif command == Command.HALT:
        elif command == Command.LABEL:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown command: {command}")

        self.instruction_pointer += 1

    def run(self):
        for _ in range(20000):
            if self.instruction_pointer >= len(self.program):
            command_string = self.program[self.instruction_pointer]
            command, args = self.parse_command(command_string)
            self.execute_command(command, args)


10.  execute_command() 함수 안의 수 많은 if - else 조합을 없애기 위해서 약간 코드를 고칩니다.

    def command_push(self, args):
        value = int(args[0]) if 'X' not in args[0] else self.registers[args[0]]

    def command_pop(self, args):

위와 같이 함수를 2개 추가하고, 코드를 약간 고쳐 줍니다.


11. 수정 된 코드를 넣고, 리팩토링을 부탁합니다.

from enum import Enum

class Command(Enum):
    PUSH = 'PUSH'
    POP = 'POP'
    ADD = 'ADD'
    SUB = 'SUB'
    MUL = 'MUL'
    DIV = 'DIV'
    MOD = 'MOD'
    DUP = 'DUP'
    SWAP = 'SWAP'
    JMP = 'JMP'
    JG = 'JG'
    JL = 'JL'
    JZ = 'JZ'
    JNZ = 'JNZ'
    CMP = 'CMP'
    MOV = 'MOV'
    NOP = 'NOP'
    HALT = 'HALT'

class StackMachine:
    PUSH <value>: Push a value onto the stack. e.g., PUSH 10
    POP: Remove and return the top value from the stack.
    ADD: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their sum, and push the result onto the stack.
    SUB: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their difference, and push the result onto the stack.
    MUL: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their product, and push the result onto the stack.
    DIV: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their division, and push the result onto the stack.
    MOD: Remove the top two values from the stack, calculate their remainder, and push the result onto the stack.
    DUP: Copy the top value from the stack and push it onto the stack.
    SWAP: Swap the top two values on the stack.
    JMP <label>: Move program execution to the given label. e.g., JMP LOOP
    JG <label>: If the top value on the stack is greater than 0, move program execution to the given label.
    JL <label>: If the top value on the stack is less than 0, move program execution to the given label.
    JZ <label>: If the top value on the stack is 0, move program execution to the given label.
    JNZ <label>: If the top value on the stack is not 0, move program execution to the given label.
    CMP: Compare the top two values on the stack and push the result onto the stack.
    (-1: First value is smaller, 0: Both values are equal, 1: First value is larger)
    MOV <register>: Move the top value from the stack to the specified register (AX, BX, CX, or DX).
    NOP: Perform no operation. This command is ignored in the program.
    HALT: Stop program execution.

    def __init__(self):
        self.stack = []
        self.program = []
        self.labels = {}
        self.registers = {'AX': 0, 'BX': 0, 'CX': 0, 'DX': 0}
        self.command_list = {}
        self.instruction_pointer = 0

    def _init_command_list(self):
        self.command_list[Command.PUSH] = self.command_push
        self.command_list[Command.POP] = self.command_pop
        self.command_list[Command.ADD] = self.command_add
        self.command_list[Command.SUB] = self.command_sub
        self.command_list[Command.MUL] = self.command_mul
        self.command_list[Command.DIV] = self.command_div
        self.command_list[Command.MOD] = self.command_mod
        self.command_list[Command.DUP] = self.command_dup
        self.command_list[Command.SWAP] = self.command_swap
        self.command_list[Command.JMP] = self.command_jmp
        self.command_list[Command.JG] = self.command_jg
        self.command_list[Command.JL] = self.command_jl
        self.command_list[Command.JZ] = self.command_jz
        self.command_list[Command.JNZ] = self.command_jnz
        self.command_list[Command.CMP] = self.command_cmp
        self.command_list[Command.MOV] = self.command_mov
        self.command_list[Command.NOP] = self.command_nop
        self.command_list[Command.HALT] = self.command_halt
        self.command_list[Command.LABEL] = self.command_label

    def load_program(self, program):
        self.program = program
        self.labels = {line[:-1]: i for i, line in enumerate(program) if line.endswith(':')}

    def parse_command(self, command_string):
        command, *args = command_string.split()
        if command not in Command.__members__:
            if ':' in command:
                return Command['LABEL'], args
                raise ValueError(f"Unknown command: {command}")
        return Command[command], args

    def execute_command(self, command, args):
        if command in self.command_list:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown command: {command}")

        self.instruction_pointer += 1

    def command_push(self, args):
        value = int(args[0]) if 'X' not in args[0] else self.registers[args[0]]

    def command_pop(self, args):

    def command_add(self, args):
        self.stack.append(self.stack.pop() + self.stack.pop())

    def command_sub(self, args):
        b, a = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
        self.stack.append(a - b)

    def command_mul(self, args):
        self.stack.append(self.stack.pop() * self.stack.pop())

    def command_div(self, args):
        b, a = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
        self.stack.append(a // b)

    def command_mod(self, args):
        b, a = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
        self.stack.append(a % b)

    def command_dup(self, args):

    def command_swap(self, args):
        self.stack[-1], self.stack[-2] = self.stack[-2], self.stack[-1]

    def command_jmp(self, args):
        self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]

    def command_jg(self, args):
        if self.stack.pop() == 1:
            self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]

    def command_jl(self, args):
        if self.stack.pop() == -1:
            self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]

    def command_jz(self, args):
        if self.stack.pop() == 0:
            self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]

    def command_jnz(self, args):
        if self.stack.pop() != 0:
            self.instruction_pointer = self.labels[args[0]]

    def command_cmp(self, args):
        b, a = self.stack.pop(), self.stack.pop()
        self.stack.append((a > b) - (a < b))

    def command_mov(self, args):
        self.registers[args[0]] = self.stack[-1]

    def command_nop(self, args):

    def command_halt(self, args):

    def command_label(self, args):

    def run(self):
        for _ in range(20000):
            if self.instruction_pointer >= len(self.program):
            command_string = self.program[self.instruction_pointer]
            command, args = self.parse_command(command_string)
            self.execute_command(command, args)

위와 같이 아름답게 코드를 고쳐 주십니다.

그래서 나온 최종 버전은 아래에 있습니다.



GitHub - chobocho/simple_vm: stack based simple stack machine

stack based simple stack machine. Contribute to chobocho/simple_vm development by creating an account on GitHub.




1) 웬만하면 구글링 해서 open source 를 쓰자.

2) ChatGPT-4도 완전한 코드를 짜주지는 않는다 (디버깅은 필수)

Posted by chobocho